This Box of 12 Davidoff Nicaragua Toro is fitting for the medium to full body smokers. The Davidoff Nicaragua blend takes some of the finest tobaccos Nicaragua has to offers and adds the classic Davidoff touch for a truly one of a kind smoke. A balanced pepper is the first flavor your palette will encounter with an undertone of sweet earth. The draw and finish are equal producing a soothing smoke that will intrigue your taste buds.
Davidoff cigars have been made in the Dominican Republic under the watchful eye of Hendrik Kelner since the early 1990s, and the vast majority of those cigars have been a mild- to medium-bodied blend of locally grown filler and binder leaves wrapped with creamy, light Connecticut-seed tobacco. With today’s cigar aficionados having developed a tremendous appetite for Nicaraguan cigars, Davidoff’s new leaders aimed at expanding their footprint, and Nicaraguan tobacco became the target.But rather than opening its own factory in Nicaragua, or contracting out a brand, the Davidoff team opted to make a different move and import tobacco from Nicaragua to its Dominican factory. There, they used tried-and-true construction and quality control methods to bring an entirely new taste profile to the venerable Davidoff brand. The result is Davidoff Nicaragua, the most exciting cigars from Davidoff in many years. The cigar line launched in the middle of 2013 to great fanfare, with three sizes: Robusto, Short Corona and Toro. The Toro was our favorite, showing complexity, elegance and balance, with floral notes, hints of coffee and leather and a very long finish. This is a beautiful, elegant smoke that’s a worthy addition to the storied Davidoff name.
Cigar Wrapper : Nicaragua
Cigar Binder: Nicaragua
Cigar Filler: Nicaragua
Country: Dominican Republic
Cigar Strength: Medium
Cigar Length: 5 1/2″
Cigar Gauge: 54
Cigar Shape: Corona Gorda
Handmade: Yes
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